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Multi-Element Water Content System, SEA Model WCM-2000

process_raw (Level 1)


Extracts the liquid and total water content along with WCM probe diagnostic data from the SEA M300 data acquisition system file (*.sea). The process_raw script creates the *.seriald0.wcm.raw and *.seriald1.wcm.raw files.


The process_raw script calls the IDL subroutine process_WMI.pro, which in turn calls the subroutine wcm.pro, which then calls the create_wcm_headerd0.pro and create_wcm_headerd1.pro subroutines.

Required Input Files


Output Files

Among many other files, it generates:

  • *.seriald0.wcm.raw
  • *.seriald1.wcm.raw


process_raw <-d> <-v> <-vm> input_file

Example Syntax

process_raw ${CoPAS_DIR}/ADTAE/TestData/FlightData/20140429_152103/PostProcessing/14_04_29_15_21_03.sea

wcm_twc.py (Level2/Level3)


Calculates the total water content (TWC) and liquid water contents (LWC) for the SEA Water Content Measurement (WCM) probe from the raw sensing elements' voltage and current data. Uses internal (from WCM) calibration constants. Can use either WCM-supplied static pressure, temperature and true air speed or these data can be provided from external ADPAA files. Data are saved to a *.processed.wcm.raw file. These data are NOT baseline adjusted.

Required Input Files




Optional Input Files

*.basic.1Hz - External air temperature and true air speed data

*.physical.1Hz - External static air pressure data

*.seriald1.wcm.raw - WCM-calculated water content data for comparison with ADPAA-calculated data


-v | verbose = 1


Output File



[python3] wcm_twc.py [-v] [verbose=0|1] [pressure_file=press_file] [temperature_file=temp_file] [wcm_d1_file] wcm_d0_file wcm_d3_file wcm_c0_file


wcm_twc.py 22_06_09_04_52_26.seriald0.wcm.raw 22_06_09_04_52_26.seriald3.wcm.raw 22_06_09_04_52_26.serialc0.wcm.raw

wcm_twc.py -v 22_06_09_04_52_26.seriald0.wcm.raw 22_06_09_04_52_26.seriald1.wcm.raw 22_06_09_04_52_26.seriald3.wcm.raw 22_06_09_04_52_26.serialc0.wcm.raw

wcm_twc.py -v pressure_file=19_01_24_23_40_56.physical.1Hz temperature_file=19_01_24_23_40_56.basic.1Hz 19_01_24_23_40_56.seriald0.wcm.raw 19_01_24_23_40_56.seriald1.wcm.raw 19_01_24_23_40_56.seriald3.wcm.raw 19_01_24_23_40_56.serialc0.wcm.raw

wcm2correct.py (Level 3)


Calculates the adjusted TWC and LWC (083) for the SEA Water Content Measurement (WCM) probe. Uses the CIP and CDP (PADS/M300) files to determine when in or out of cloud and does a baseline correction when out of cloud for a set duration. Creates a file (*.correct.wcm.raw) with baseline corrected and adjusted water contents.

Required Input Files

*.seriald1.wcm.raw or *.wcm_comb.raw or *.processed.wcm.raw

Optional Input Files'



Output files

*.correct.wcm.raw or *.correct.processed.wcm.raw


[python3] wcm2correct.py [verbose=0|1] [cip_conc_file] [cdp_conc_file] wcm_file


wcm2correct.py verbose=1 19_08_23_07_12_37.wcm_comb.raw
wcm2correct.py 18_07_05_02_34_31.conc.cdp.1Hz 18_07_05_02_34_31.seriald1.wcm.raw
wcm2correct.py verbose=1 19_08_23_07_14_13.cip_PADS.raw 19_08_23_07_14_13.cdp_PADS.raw 19_08_23_07_12_37.seriald1.wcm.raw
wcm2correct.py 22_06_09_04_52_26.conc.cdp.1Hz 22_06_09_04_52_26.processed.wcm.raw