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Synchronous Files (*.sync)

Synchronous files (*.sync) are the next step up from *.chron files (2 steps up from *.raw files) because they are always in chronological order with no gaps in time. A line of missing value codes specified by the file header will be added to any times that are missing from the file, thereby creating a synchronous file that is both chronological and continuous in nature.


The fix_times.py script can be used to create synchronous files (as well as chronological files). The command syntax is:

 fix_times.py in_file
 in_file - any file in UND/NASA ASCII Format

For example

 fix_times.py 15_07_28_20_19_49.nevzorov.raw


  • This program creates multiple files of which only one is truly necessary. The *.mvc and *.chron files that are created can be ignored and/or deleted since the *.sync file is the only truly necessary file.