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Chronological Files (*.chron)

Chronological files (*.chron) are the next step up from *.raw files because they are always in chronological order, but gaps in time may still exist in the data. These time gaps may break some processing, especially processing involving the use of more than one data acquisition system.


The fix_times.py script can be used to create a chronological file (as well as synchronous files). The command syntax is:

 fix_times.py in_file
 in_file - any file in UND/NASA ASCII Format

For example:

 fix_times.py 15_07_28_20_19_49.nevzorov.raw


  • This program creates multiple files of which only one is truly necessary. The *.mvc and *.chron files that are created can be ignored and/or deleted since the *.sync file is the only truly necessary file.