.:AIMMS Winds:M300
Aircraft-Integrated Meteorological Measurement System (AIMMS Probe) M300 Data System Processing
process_raw (Level 1)
Extracts the AIMMS probe data from the SEA M300 data acquisition system file (*.sea), sorts the various data streams, and outputs the data to ADPAA-formatted files. Standard meteorology packet data (ID stream 0) is saved to *.serialA.aimms.raw. Aircraft state data packet (ID stream 1) is saved to *.serialB.aimms.raw. Raw data from ID stream 22 is saved to *.serial22.aimms.raw file.
The process_raw BASH script calls the IDL subroutine process_WIMI.pro, which in turn calls the subroutines aimms22.pro and AIMMS.pro.
Required Input Files
- *.serialA.aimms.raw
- *.serialB.aimms.raw
- *.serial22.aimms.raw
process_raw <-d> <-v> <-vm> input_file
Example Syntax
process_raw ${CoPAS_DIR}/ADTAE/TestData/FlightData/20140429_152103/PostProcessing/14_04_29_15_21_03.sea
aimmsAB2pitot.py (Level 2)
Calculates the AIMMS pitot pressure based on the AIMMS true air speed, temperature and static air pressure when serial stream ID 22 data are not available.
Required Input Files
- *.serialA.aimms.raw
- *.serialB.aimms.raw
Output File
- *.pitotcalc.raw
[python3] aimmsAB2pitot.py serialA_aimms_file serialB_aimms_file
Example Syntax
python aimmsAB2pitot.py 19_04_06_20_46_19.serialA.aimms.raw 19_04_06_20_46_19.serialB.aimms.raw