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The default settings for SODA2 processing parameters.

Methods for processing the particle size [method]; default: fastcircle; alternatives: WaterProcessing, xsize, ysize;

fastcircle - the smallest possible circle is fit around a particle image and the circle diameter is used at the particle diameter. A computationally efficient method which helps produce a simple comparison of particle area to the area of a circle or "area ratio".

WaterProcessing - a method of applying "fastcircle" with the addition of a particle size correction based on the size of Poisson spots generated when imaging liquid particles. Poisson spots develop due to particle magnification as a result of improper particle placement within the probe's depth of field. When a Poisson spot is detected the area of the spot is measured and compared to to the total particle area. The resulting ratio produces a correction factor which reduces the measured particle size to that of the actual particle (without Poisson magnification).

xsize - the maximum difference between shaded pixels is measured across the array (the x plane).

ysize - the maximum difference between shaded pixels is measured along the direction of airflow (the y plane).

Methods for processing partially captured particles [processingtype]; default: reconstruction; alternatives: allin, centerin ;