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Multi-Element Water Content System, SEA Model WCM-3000

process_raw (Level 1)


Extracts the liquid and total water content along with WCM 3000 Prove diagnostic data from the SEA M300 data acquisition system file (*.sea). The process_raw script creates the *.seriald0.wcm.raw and *.seriald1.wcm.raw files.


The process_raw script calls the IDL subroutine process_WMI.pro, which in turn calls the subroutine wcm3000.pro, which then calls the create_wcm3000_headerd0.pro and create_wcm3000_headerd1.pro subroutines.

Required Input Files


Output Files

Among many other files, it generates:

  • *.seriald0.wcm.raw
  • *.seriald1.wcm.raw


process_raw <-d> <-v> <-vm> input_file

Example Syntax

process_raw ${CoPAS_DIR}/ADTAE/TestData/FlightData/20220411_152103/PostProcessing/22_04_11_15_21_03.sea

wcm2correct.py (Level 3)


Calculates the adjusted TWC and LWC (083) for the SEA Water Content Measurement (WCM) probe. Uses the CIP and CDP (PADS/M300) files to determine when in or out of cloud and does a baseline correction when out of cloud for a set duration. Creates a file (*.correct.wcm.raw) with baseline corrected and adjusted water contents.

Required Input Files

*.seriald1.wcm.raw or *.wcm_comb.raw

Optional Input Files



Output Files



[python3] wcm2correct.py [verbose=0|1] [ci_conc_file] [cdp_conc_file] wcm_file


wcm2correct.py verbose=1 22_04_11_15_21_03.wcm_comb.raw
wcm2correct.py 22_04_11_15_21_03.conc.cdp.1Hz 22_04_11_15_21_03.seriald1.wcm.raw
wcm2correct.py verbose=1 22_04_11_15_21_03.cip_PADS.raw 22_04_11_15_21_03.seriald1.wcm.raw