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The latest version of the Aircraft Data Processing and Analysis (ADPAA) package
The latest source code of the Aircraft Data Processing and Analysis (ADPAA)
can be downloaded from SourceForge using svn.  Note that ADPAA has been moved
package can be downloaded from SourceForge using a Subversion client.  ADPAA
from using cvs to using svn as the version control system.  You can also
is designed to run on the Linux OS and has been tested on Redhat, Fedora, and
download the binary cplot program if you only need only want to display and
Ubuntu.  On Linux, the svn command can be executed from a shell terminal.
analyze data, instead of processing raw aircraft data files.
The Linux svn command can be use as illustrated below.  Note that ADPAA has
been moved from using the Concurrent Version System (csv) to using Subversion
(svn) as the version control system.  You can download the binary cplot and
cplot2 programs if you only need only want to display and analyze data, instead
of processing raw aircraft data files. You can also use a windows Subversion
client to download the source code if you like to view the code; however, the
code is also viewable online via a Web browser. The use of Linux shell scripts
and file system commands makes running ADPAA under windows impossible.
To download binary (run-time) version of ADPAA
  Create directory /usr/local/ADPAA if necessary
    Change ownership if necessary, i.e. chown username /usr/local/ADPAA
  cd /usr/local/ADPAA
  wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/adpaa/files/ADPAA.tar.gz

To download ADPAA source code using svn access.
To download ADPAA source code using svn access.

Revision as of 03:18, 8 September 2014

The latest source code of the Aircraft Data Processing and Analysis (ADPAA) package can be downloaded from SourceForge using a Subversion client. ADPAA is designed to run on the Linux OS and has been tested on Redhat, Fedora, and Ubuntu. On Linux, the svn command can be executed from a shell terminal. The Linux svn command can be use as illustrated below. Note that ADPAA has been moved from using the Concurrent Version System (csv) to using Subversion (svn) as the version control system. You can download the binary cplot and cplot2 programs if you only need only want to display and analyze data, instead of processing raw aircraft data files. You can also use a windows Subversion client to download the source code if you like to view the code; however, the code is also viewable online via a Web browser. The use of Linux shell scripts and file system commands makes running ADPAA under windows impossible.

To download binary (run-time) version of ADPAA

 Create directory /usr/local/ADPAA if necessary
   Change ownership if necessary, i.e. chown username /usr/local/ADPAA
 cd /usr/local/ADPAA
 wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/adpaa/files/ADPAA.tar.gz

To download ADPAA source code using svn access.

 Create directory /usr/local/ADPAA if necessary
   Change ownership if necessary, i.e. chown username /usr/local/ADPAA
 cd /usr/local/ADPAA
 svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/adpaa/code/trunk
 cd trunk
 mv src .svn ..
 cd ..
 rmdir trunk

To update ADPAA source code using svn access.

 cd /usr/local/ADPAA/src
 svn update

Define and export variables system (typically in /etc/profile and/or /etc/csh.cshrc).

 Add /usr/local/ADPAA/bin to your PATH environmental variable.

Build and install executable files by using the following.

 Create directory /usr/local/ADPAA/bin
 Create directory /usr/local/ADPAA/sav
 Create directory /usr/local/ADPAA/share
 cd /usr/local/ADPAA/src/build/ && make

Note to compile the modula requires an IDL license.

Test the installation by executing a script such as cplot.


If you are an ADPAA developer, you can update a file, such as 'INSTALL', in the SVN database. Please provide a comment on what is being changed.

 svn commit INSTALL

If the file is new (i.e. somethingnew), you need to add it to the database before committing it.

 svn add somethingnew