.:citationwinds:M300: Difference between revisions

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''Optional Parameters:''
''Optional Parameters:''

<final> causes the output data to be tagged Final instead of Preliminary.
<final> causes the output data to be tagged "Final" instead of "Preliminary".

<csh_error> causes the error to be returned to the csh calling program instead of occurring in the IDL code.
<csh_error> causes the error to be returned to the csh calling program instead of occurring in the IDL code.

Latest revision as of 18:01, 8 August 2018

Citation Research Aircraft Atmospheric Winds (Aircraft Processing)

Calibration Data Processing Scripts

Post-flight Data Processing Scripts



This script extracts analog data from SEA M300 data system file (*.sea) and creates the *.analog.raw file. It also extracts Cloud Imaging Probes (CIP) housekeeping information from SEA M300 data system file(*.sea).

Required Input File


Output File

Among many other files, it generates:




The first two will be used in the following scripts.


 process_raw <-d> <-v> <-vm> input_file

Example Syntax

 process_raw $ADPAA_DIR/src/TestData/FlightData/20140429_152103/PostProcessing/14_04_29_15_21_03.sea



To convert analog measurements from engineering units (voltages) to physical units (i.e. degree C).

Required Input File


Output File



 analog2physical <final> <csh_error> <hotwire_offset> <nohotwireslave> <physical> <ccn> <ballvario> <nevzorov> <TDLflow> input_file

Optional parameters

<final> causes the output data to be tagged Final instead of Preliminary.

<csh_error> causes the error to be returned to the csh calling program.

<nohotwireslave> causes the hot wire probe voltage not to be checked.

<physical> generates a *.physical.raw file.

<ccn> generates a *ccn.raw file.

<ballvario> generates a *balvario.raw file.

<nevzorov> generates a *.nevzorov file.

<TDLflow> generates a *.TDLflow.raw file.

Example Syntax

 analog2physical $ADPAA_DIR/src/TestData/FlightData/20140429_152103/PostProcessing/14_04_29_15_21_03.analog.raw

The *.analog.raw file is generated from process_raw.



To create a "*winds.raw" file by compiling and running the winds_file idl routines.

Required Input Files

*.physical.raw and *.applanix.raw

The *.physical.raw file is generated by running the analog2physical script on the *.analog.raw file created by the process_raw script from the *.sea file. The *applanix.raw file is generated by running the process_raw script on an *.sea file.

Output File



 winds_file <final> <csh_error> physical_file applanix_file

Optional Parameters:

<final> causes the output data to be tagged "Final" instead of "Preliminary".

<csh_error> causes the error to be returned to the csh calling program instead of occurring in the IDL code.

Example Syntax

 winds_file 14_04_29_15_21_03.physical.raw 14_04_29_15_21_03.applanix.raw

Processing References


Lenschow, D. H., 1986: Aircraft measurements in the boundary layer. Probing the Atmospheric Boun.-Layer Meteor., D. H. Lenschow, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 39–55.